Since I started to use the word medium to describe my own acute sensitivity which came to light during my childhood, I have constantly strived to develop my individual skills in order to become a professional medium. In particular, I have been studying at the renowned Arthur Findlay College in the UK.
Today, I am a certificate holder in both demonstrating mediumship and public speaking within the Spiritualists’ National Union, an authority which trains and qualifies mediums in England and worldwide.
This experience has taught me that mediumship supports two worlds: it gives a voice to the deceased, an opportunity to give messages to their loved ones. It enables a person here below to receive the enlightened perspective of people they have lost.
When bereavement is hard to bear, we sometimes have a deep need to feel the presence of those who have passed away, hear their advice and comforting words. Mediumship makes this possible, enabling a bond to be recreated with those who were part of our lives, and thus to feel less alone. It helps us to continue our paths, being reassured that those deceased are still with us and willing to assist us.
I feel privileged to be able to experience this connection. I am aware of the responsibility that this entails. Therefore and to this day, I keep on striving to find the most suitable words, to pass on what I receive in the best way possible, with maximum respect for the deceased people, and for the person who comes to see me.
Readings in English and/or French by appointment.
Readings are confidential. They are subject to the ethical rules inspired by my profession as a psychologist.
I apply a delay of six months before granting a second appointment to the same person, in order to allow optimal integration of the given information and avoid the risk of an eventual dependency.
Fee and structure
of a reading

CHF 130.-
for a reading
45 min.
for a reading
The reading is individual.
First of all, I will connect myself to your energy, or that which defines you and underlines your life, and then enter into contact with one of your deceased persons.
The choice of a deceased person beforehand is not possible…the parted one who comes will be the one who decides to come, and from my experience, the one that has something relevant to say!
After 10 minutes or so, if no contact is established, I will close the reading, without charge.
Those who wish to record the reading, can do so.
Any missed appointment, or any appointment not cancelled at least 48 hours in advance are due. For Monday appointments, cancellations must be notified at noon the latest, on the preceding Friday.

Some of my clients have accepted to give me their feedback, and authorized me to put it on line. I am deeply grateful to them.
I consulted Brigitte hoping to get into contact with my late parents. I was deeply moved by this reading. My parents were present and able to alleviate the profound and deeply rooted unhappiness I had felt since childhood. They acknowledged my suffering. I wish to thank Brigitte for her transmission. Her serene and healing messages have allowed me to continue my path in complete peace. In addition to her marvellous gift, she is able to work at a deeper level being a psychotherapist as well. I would like to thank Brigitte, from the bottom of my heart.Manuela
Dear Brigitte, I came to see you to communicate with my father. This experience moved me so deeply that I didn’t have the chance to thank you enough for it. After having spent a few days to dispel my last doubts and to review the full reading in my mind, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for this moment that was so sweet, beautiful, incredible, marvellous and filled with love. Thanks to you, I can start to accept his passing, since I now understand that the dead don’t vanish forever, that they are well and supported. We will meet them again someday. Even if my emotional pain is still tremendous, I consider this last teaching from my father as the most beautiful of gifts. Today, I am not longer afraid of death as I was before. Thanks for everything and for the work that you’re doing. Nathalie
In the first few minutes we met, Brigitte was able to create a therapeutic relationship by connecting to my own level of energy that she perceived with great precision. Through her kindness and profound respect for my personality, I felt fully welcomed and secure. She was the mediator who made it possible for me to communicate with my brother, who had died suddenly and violently 14 years earlier. Since this reading, when I think of my brother, I no longer have a feeling of anger, or guilt nor disbelief. On the contrary, I have a feeling of calm and inner peace which fills me with positive energy. I have rediscovered a funny and joyful brother and memories of a beautiful fraternal complicity. Now, his presence in absence is one of protection and love. I have to say that this mediumship reading with Brigitte has freed me from an unbearable burden, continuously present during 14 years. I feel cared for and healed.Sabine
The reading with Brigitte took place in an atmosphere of kindness and trust and one immediately feels comfortable and secure. The messages of the deceased received were clear and precise. The reunion with those that one has lost can provoke intense emotions (sadness, joy, surprise,…), and Brigitte knew how to guide me through these instants with a sensitivity that was profoundly reassuring.Suzy
I went to see Brigitte as I wished to communicate with deceased members of my family. Yet, to my surprise, she describes someone who is rather old, and who is wearing an apron. She gives me other very precise elements that enable me to recognize someone who was not a member of my family but my husband’s mother. I was dumbfounded. In fact, my mother in law had a very important message to give to my husband and my children through myself and Brigitte. When I shared the message with them, they were very happy and relieved. This reading made it possible, for my husband especially, to come to terms with her passing. There was no way that Brigitte could have read my thoughts, because they were not at all centered on that person. I found that she was extremely precise, gifted and respectful in the way that she communicated.Marie-Caroline, coach
Brigitte was able to describe the personality of my loved ones when they were still alive, with great precision. Furthermore, she could also give me details of their evolution in the after-life and how they currently perceive my present life. Brigitte did not only pass on all that she perceived, she highlighted, with great sensitivity, the emotional states with which my loved ones expressed themselves, by using words that had deep meaning for me. She conveyed some profoundly moving messages that made me feel confident and proud. I can only highly recommend Brigitte, who is far more than an intermediary between the invisible and ourselves.David, Federal officer
The reading I was given was extremely detailed, spot on and uplifting in so many ways. To me Brigitte combines the very best of both worlds: Psychology and Mediumship. Her accuracy and knowledge together with her kindness made my reading one of the best I have ever had the pleasure to witness. Taranga, Assistant
Brigitte impressed me; she described someone important from my past, whom I easily recognized thanks to the precise and accurate evidence that she provided. I left the session with a lighter and happier heart. Something I had felt for a long time has been confirmed: that this departed person was “still with me”. Today I feel closer to him than I ever did.Yvonne, retired commercial assistant
I have had the chance to experience a session with Brigitte. Coming from the rational world of psychology, the experience may seem strange. I had had, ten years ago, a session with a medium who had given me incredible but true information. With Brigitte it was as amazing. Try to describe the grand-mother of your best friend that you saw a few times in your life. Difficult exercise, isn’t it? Brigitte told me about my grand-mother as if she knew her better than me. All along the session, I had to concentrate to remember that no, she had NEVER met her or even heard about her! Brigitte is really a channel during her mediumship work, listening as well to the «down-here world»: you, as to the «above-world»: what she receives. You have to pinch yourself and remember that she is talking about someone she has never ever met and has such precise and remarkable information. Still today I benefit concretely from what she communicated to me from my grand-mother. I can thus completely and comfortably recommend her to you.Florence Bory, FSP psychologist